Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Birthday My Baby Girl

Well Baby Girl today is your birth day!! You are here and we couldn’t be more excited! We have been waiting for this day for a very long time and are filled with anticipation, love, joy and peace. It is 2:30am October 16th (so you were actually born yesterday) and there is no way I am going to be able to sleep tonight. I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about the day when you come home and I can’t stop imagining us cuddling for the first time. I have loved you since before you were born and that love continues to grow with every passing minute.

This morning Daddy and I woke up early to head off to the passport office. We dropped Jacob off at Nana’s Lesley and Papa Nigel’s and were enroute to the office when we got a phone call from Ava our social worker. Ava explained that Alison your tummy mummy had visited the emergency room this morning, as she believed she was 7 days overdue and still wasn’t feeling any signs of labour. Alison had an ultrasound and dr’s saw you warm and comfy in her belly, but saw no signs of you coming out anytime soon. They decided it was best to schedule a c-section for later in the evening. Alison had asked that the social worker call Mummy and Daddy and let us know that today would be your birthday. Ava explained that we probably wouldn’t hear any updates until the following day as it was believed the csec would be later in the evening. Mummy and Daddy quickly began calling Nana’s. Papa’s, Auntie’s and Uncles. We had plans on telling everyone in person, but mummy was too excited and wanted to tell the world immediately. From the moment we found out that you would be born we began praying. Praying for a safe and health delivery for both you and Alison, as well for all the doctor’s and nurses who would be caring for you both. After making all of our phone calls, we received another phone call from Ava stating the csec was scheduled for 7:30pm est! We didn’t expect this phone call so were so excited to receive any update. Ava said that Alison was doing well, she was a bit nervous about the csec, but was pleased with how nice and compassionate her nurses were. It was then agreed that Ava would call us in the morning with more details and letting us know our little girl was born. BUT at 8:45pm est we received a phone stating that you were born and weighed 6lbs 14 oz. Alison was feeling great and said that the csec went very well. Alison asked that Ava call Mummy and Daddy to let them know you were strong and healthy. And it was at the moment my heart grew tenfold, you hold a piece of my heart and will forever. I love you my baby girl. We are a forever family and NOTHING will ever change that.

Tomorrow morning Ava is going to meet you for the first time and we can’t wait to hear more about you. I want to know every detail; the color of your hair, the color of your eyes, they way squirm when getting a diaper change, the way you hold your head when you sleep. I want to know it all!

Well baby we are so close to being together… a moment will not go by when I don’t think about you. Sleep tight and rest in the arms of Our Father and know that your Mummy and Daddy are coming soon.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS MUMMY AND DADDY! Can't wait to meet your little girl. How wonderful...God knows exactly how and when to give this blessing. And blessed you are to have a beautiful healthy baby girl. Come home safely soon.

    Love to all and hugs and kisses all round.

  2. So happy for you Marc, Natalie and Jacob!!!
