Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 30, 2009

October 19, 2009

We have now completed our first manila envelope for Sheppard Care, but rumour has it another is on its way. Today we had a conference call with our Florida social worker Laura; speaking for an hour and half about the process and our outstanding paper work. Laura made the next few steps seem relatively easy…but we all know there is nothing easy about this process. We briefly talked about creating our profile and what it should entail. Our profile includes a “Dear Birthmom” letter along with pictures. The thought of writing a dear birthmom letter makes me sick to my stomach… it scares me to think this is our one shot at “advertising”; what if she doesn’t like my style of writing, or our sense of humour, what if she is a vegetarian and I mention turkey dinner; and what if she looks at our pictures and thinks we look like dorks. The thought is so overwhelming. I guess all we can do is be completely honest with who we are and hope this will be enough. We have faith that God has already chosen our baby and therefore a prospective birthmom will be able to look past out “unattractive” pictures and goofy family traditions.

Concluding our conversation with Laura she assured that another envelope was enroute and looked forward to receiving the completed forms…surprise, surprise!!

Next step…we are hoping our Hope social worker will call sometime this week and we can begin our homestudy as well fill out Florida forms!

Dear Baby Sister
This is Jacob your big brother. When you come to our house I will help you get out of the crib when you cry. You just have to lift you hands up really high, because I am not big and can not reach yet.
I love you. Love Jacob

(Jacob often changes it up, some days he is having a sister
other days it is a brother)


  1. As I told you today, Nat, you are an AWESOME writer. Your writing is delightful to read and if you write down your true feelings and thoughts that are deep in your heart to our baby's birthmom, she will be touched by your honesty and and genuineness (not sure if that is a word). Be true to yourself when you communicate your thoughts and your heart - don't try to be someone you are not because the real Natalie is the sweetest, caring, most loving, creative, capable young mother. Whatever baby makes its way into your heart and into your arms will be a very blessed baby. Besides, as we all pray for this new baby, God is already taking care of all the details and events that need to take place before that precious baby is placed in your arms.
    I love you so much,
    Nana Sharon

  2. Wow, I feel so honored to read this. Your continued strength and anticipation is evident and encouraging. We also continue to pray for the little boy or girl who is going to be so blessed with such a wonderful family and are excited to be a part of this process adn an aunt/uncle to the second one! we love you guys!

  3. Oh wow, I have tears in my eyes reading Jacob's Dear Baby Sister letter... I can so picture it, and I know that his (and your)prayers to take care of a little sibling will be answered.

    Truly inspirational to read. God Bless.
